Velocity Flow Rate
Is your property in a flood-prone area?
A Velocity Flow Rate obtained through PSI Global will outline how fast flood water could move on your property if a flood event occurred.
The Velocity Flow Rate could affect construction options or could mean you have requirements that need to be met.
What is a Velocity Flow Rate?
A Velocity Flow Rate is an official document issued by the Catchment Management Authority, Melbourne Water, or Private organisation.
It assesses the potential velocity of floodwaters on your property if it were affected by flooding.
The information is based on your properties characteristics including slope and the results may be in reference to % AEP event.
What insight does a Flood flow statement provide?
The velocity of floodwaters that may flow through your property if it is affected by flooding Terms of the probability of flooding occurring (% AEP Event) The slope in direction of likely flow path General advice on things to consider Contact details for further information
Who will need this?
To find out whether you are in a flood-prone area, and need a Velocity Review, you can order a Building 51 (2) Property Information Certificate.
If you do find that you are in a flood-prone area, and are planning on building, you may be required to obtain a velocity flow rate.
Depending on the velocity determined in the report you may need to meet certain design or construction standards under the Building Code of Australia.
Why choose PSI Global for Velocity Flow Rate?
Open an account with PSI Global to enjoy just one invoice and one purchase order number for all your Property Information.
We’ll help you quickly and easily source your velocity flow rate report.
PSI Global has an understanding and set up to know which CMA's provide the Velocity information themselves and which need to be obtained through a 3rd party. This saves you time and research on finding who and how to apply for the information. We check the responses to ensure that the information we provide to you is accurate.
Need a Velocity Flow Rate?
PSI Global provides an easy online ordering system to make obtaining your documentation as straight forward as possible including the Velocity Flow Rate, as well as a range of other important property certificates. Start searching today!