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Planning Certificate

Depending on where your property is located will determine what zone you are located within and what overlays affect your land (if any).

The planning certificate is an official statement issued by DELWP for the majority of Victorian councils. The planning certificates that are not provided by DELWP will be provided directly from the council.

Planning Certificate

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What insight does a Planning Certificate provide?

This report will provide you the planning schemes that affect a property at the date of application, it may include:

Zoning of the Land Overlay planning controls, if applicable Reservations that affect the land Classified roads abutting the land Proposals contained in an exhibited amendment to the planning scheme

Who might need it?

Anyone looking to build, renovate, develop or purchase property will have peace of mind with this official certificate that the zoning and overlays are correct at that point in time.

This will help you determine what you can do with the land within the zoning and overlay restrictions.

Why choose PSI Global for Planning Certificate?

As a Landata broker PSI Global has the ability to order this certificate directly with Landata using an automated system so you will have your certificate back as quickly as possible.

PSI know which councils issue the Planning Certificate themselves and which are issues by DELWP. This will save you time and effort researching how to submit the order.

Once we receive the certificate we will verify the details and make sure it contains the correct information before passing it onto you.

Need a Planning Certificate?

Obtain your Planning Certificate, as well as a range of other important property certificates through PSI Global in just a few simple steps.

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