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Get ready for site start with Statement of Compliance

Posted July 31, 2018

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PSI has updated our online portal to display Statement of Compliance (SOC) status on all untitled properties. This new, innovative feature provides our customers with additional value and information for all titles that they are waiting on — all in the one place. Instead of having to regularly check with SPEAR or land.vic for updates on titling, you can simply log in to PSI and view your jobs pending title and the subdivision status.

Developers apply for a subdivision or planning permit through SPEAR, which is accessible online by all interested parties who are involved in the decision-making process of an application such as Responsible Authorities, Land Use Victoria and Referral Authorities.

As decisions are made in the subdivision application process and milestones passed, the status of your application changes. Status updates are made once the Responsible Authority has received, referred, then granted or refused the developer’s planning permit. Once the planning permit is granted, the decision for the SOC needs to be granted. The decision will be ‘pending’ until all Referral Authorities have consented to the SOC; then the Responsible Authority can issue the certificate of SOC.

Once the developer receives the planning permit and SOC, their representative lodges the application to Land Use Victoria, which has its own status of applications. The application to subdivide may be stopped, pending satisfaction of amendments required to the application, or otherwise registered, rejected or withdrawn.

So, you can see there are quite a lot of changes in status to be updated on! PSI is constantly evolving to provide new features like this, to save you time and gather all the information you need together for you. You can have your browser open and can check the subdivision status at a glance when you’re on the phone to a customer, updating them on how long the property is due to title and to get the ball rolling with soil reports and site surveys.

PSI continues to incorporate innovative features like the SOC status display to our service, to ensure the online portal is your ‘go to’ for all your property information. Follow us on Linkedin or subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with the latest news from PSI.